Edited by Brad Sanders

$5.00 • 48 pages • 8.5 X 11 • paperback
ISBN 978-0-9718763-1-6

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An Oconee Bell Celebration is a joint publication of Fevertree Press and the André Michaux International Society. For more information about AMIS visit their site at http://www.michaux.org/


André Michaux, Botanist-Explorer of the South Carolina Upstate
Patrick D. McMillan, Ph. D.

An Eighteenth Century Journey through the Backcountry: Imagine the Impression It Would Have Made
Tim Drake, Ph. D.

Bartram and Michaux: Early Botanical Explorers in the South Carolina Upstate, Their Expedition Routes and Plant Discoveries
Brad Sanders

The “Lost Shortia,” a Botanical Mystery
Charlie Williams, AMIS Chairman

Sexual Reproduction in the Rare Oconee Bells:
Implications for Conservation
Katherine Weeks Ph. D. Candidate

Genetic Studies of the Imperiled Oconee Bell
to Enhance Its Conservation
Todd M. Linscott, Ph. D.

Planting Michaux’s Garden: Carolina Plants to Grow in Your Garden
Lisa K. Wagner Ph. D.

Five decades of studies on the date and location of André Michaux’s discovery of Shortia galacifolia reprinted from Castanea, Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Society

Type Location of Shortia Galacifolia (1956)
P. A. Davies

Resolving the Type Location for Shortia Galacifolia T. & G. (1983)
Robert Zahner and Steven M. Jones

The Type Locality of Shortia galacifolia T. & G. Visited Once Again (2004)
Charlie Williams, Eliane M. Norman, and Gerard G. Aymonin